In June we will be putting on our Award Show 2018. We hold an award show every two years.

Our members have now been split into their groups.

If you have any questions or queries on which age group or award show group your child is in, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


For all the new members at Phoenix, who haven’t done one before, hear’s what you need to know!

An award show is a night full of talent.

Our members are split into 3 award show groups with 4 leaders who have expertise
in all aspects of theatre.

They will compete for best actor/actress (male & female) in each age category. They will also compete for best dancer (again, male & female, and each age category).

There are other awards available on the night including best props, costumes, set, programme, director and play.

The Glenda Hailwood special achievement award will also be presented.

The whole night is judged by outside judges who have extensive experience in the professional industry.